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Stay Marketing Savvy During COVID-19: Seize Opportunities Now

At Fast Track Marketing, we’ve been saying this since the start of the COVID-19 crisis: now is NOT the time to scale back on marketing! Your practice has the opportunity to be more visible than ever online. With more people sheltering at home, they have more time to surf the net and find your practice. And if you’re continuing your marketing strategies while others are pulling back, you’ll rise to the top!

According to Statista, as of the week ending April 19, 2020:

  • 25.4% increase in online traffic across 20 different industries as compared to stats from January 6-February 16, 2020
  • 42.8% increase in online transactions

Neilson reported a 60% growth in overall consumer media usage in March.

Consumer Usage is UP … But Ad Spending is DOWN

Statista estimates a $26 billion loss in revenue for the advertising industry. Look at the anticipated impact for March/April:

  • 51% decrease in out-of-home advertising
  • 40% decrease in digital media advertising
  • 33% decrease in social media advertising
  • 30% decrease in paid search advertising

Ad Space is Available: Get Your Name Out

This pandemic won’t last forever. People will be ready to get back to normal life and they’ll need your services. Give them opportunities to learn about your services now so when the time is right, they choose YOU.

Fast Track Marketing can help your practice – just like we’ve been helping our clients throughout this pandemic.

Contact Jonna to brainstorm ways we can help.

Call or Text: 303-731-2634
