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Website Conversion Tools

Let Your Website Visitors Take Control

People like to have control over their lives. They like immediate action. They like immediate information. You have the power to give your website visitors control to schedule their own appointments, get their questions answered 24/7 and take a first step to find out if a procedure is right for them.

At Fast Track Marketing, we make it easy for your practice to add the following conversion tools to your website:

  • Online Schedulers
  • Live Chat
  • Self-Evaluations

Online Schedulers

Our interactive online scheduler can be quickly added to your website to give your prospective patients the power to schedule their own appointments – at their convenience, 24/7. Your practice chooses the times that can be selected and patients fill in their information and time they desire to come in. You will have complete contact information so you can follow-up if needed.

Benefits of Online Schedulers

  • Your staff allocates the appointment times they want to make available for online scheduling.
  • Your staff can easily increase, decrease or change the appointment times available.
  • Appointments that are scheduled are emailed to your staff with all of the prospect’s information.
  • Staff time is freed up to focus on the patients that are in your office.

24/7 Live Chat

73% of customers are satisfied after using live chat, higher than any other form of customer support such as email, telephone or social media.

Our live chat interactive tool can help your prospects with their decision-making process. We can quickly add a live chat service to your website to allow your visitors to get answers to their questions by trained professionals any time, day or night. It’s like having your practice open 24/7! We can manage this entire process to help you capture after hours shoppers – your practice will only pay for valid leads that come through the service.


We have created a variety of procedure-specific self-evaluations for practices such as:

  • LASIK Self-Evaluation
  • Cataracts/ Premium Intraocular Lenses (IOLs) Self-Evaluation
  • Dry Eye Self-Evaluation
  • Aesthetic Self-Evaluation
  • Plastic Surgery Self-Evaluation

Each self-evaluation consists of essential questions about the person’s current health and the goals the person wants to achieve. The short, interactive questionnaire will start the thought process on how the procedure could change their lives and may spark some questions about the procedure. Ultimately, it should lead to an increase in consultations.

When the prospect clicks on the Submit button at the end of the evaluation, the answers are scored and a response is automatically populated for them, letting them know if they might be a good candidate for an elective surgery procedure. Their answers and contact information are then emailed over to your coordinator so that your practice can follow-up with that new lead.

Let Fast Track Marketing help your practice convert more leads. Contact us today to see how stress-free it can be for you! Call Brandi at (303) 731-2634 or schedule a meeting online.