Standing Out From Your Competition Every elective surgery practice has habits: acquired behavior patterns regularly followed until they have become almost involuntary. Whether you realize it or not, your practice probably has good habits and, more importantly, bad habits that are negatively shaping the way your patients view you. Example of a Bad Habit in an Elective Surgery Office Setting Your staff takes personal calls at your reception desk, discussing personal information that your patients can hear. This may seem like a minor infraction and it is often a norm that is completely overlooked. However, allowing this bad habit to continue in your office creates an atmosphere that can be: Unprofessional Disrespectful Annoying Offensive Bad habits are not always easy to break, and sometimes they are not easy to recognize, especially when you are busy with your day-to-day work routine. But it is vitally important to your practice’s bottom line that you begin to identify and reshape those bad habits and start implementing good ones in their place. Example of a Good Habit in an Elective Surgery Office Setting You treat each and every patient (and their loved ones) like a VIP: addressing each person by name, offering refreshments, streamlining the patient flow and more. This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the stresses of your day and end up providing a negative patient experience…even without realizing it. To be successful and to grow your business you must have certain good habits deep-rooted into your: Staff’s mindset Online presence Patient flow Physical office space Patient communication As an elective surgery provider, you are faced with the challenge of differentiating your practice from the dozens of seemingly similar practices in your area. YOU know that your practice has the best doctors, hires the most competent staff and uses the best technologies. But the average person considering your elective surgery does not. Every piece of information you supply to help potential patients decide to spend their hard-earned money on an elective procedure (with you)…and the manner in which you supply it…is up for scrutiny. You will be measured against every other competitor in your market, and you have to shine in every aspect if you want to win. It is always a good idea to frequently audit your processes to ensure you are presenting your practice in the best light possible in every touch point with patients… Phone Website Social media sites Online review sites Marketing collateral Emails Office space In person… …not just once, but every single time, for as long as it takes the prospect to decide to pursue elective surgery with you. Maintaining the status quo in your practice is a certain way to fail. Let us help you step outside the box and learn new ways to approach marketing your practice. Contact Jonna at 303-731-2634 or to see what the next step is.