Converting More Of Those Consults Into Paying Surgeries You use advertising and marketing tactics to get people to know your elective surgery practice. And maybe you are successful in getting people in the door. But what happens next? Do your staff and marketing team have the skills to subtly encourage these people to say “Yes. I want to spend my hard-earned money on a procedure that is not medically necessary…and I want to spend my money with you!” It’s not always as easy as simply telling people you are the best in the business. Just because a person schedules a consultation at your practice doesn’t mean he or she is 100% ready to move forward with an elective procedure. They have a lot of other elective surgery options from which to choose. And they have a lot of information at their fingertips – not always positive information and not always accurate information. They may be coming to your practice with pre-conceived notions of medical offices, often with bad experiences in the past. It’s up to you to provide an experience that goes above and beyond what they expect. When they leave your office after the consultation, they should feel nothing but positive thoughts about your practice – and hopefully positive thoughts about the procedure as well. When you provide your patients with a truly positive experience during consultations, you have a greater chance at encouraging them to take the next step (schedule surgery). Converting a prospect into a loyal elective surgery patient is all about winning over that person. You cannot leave the consultation process to chance; every consultation should be a “consultative selling” process that is educational, persuasive and inspiring. If your staff has these skills, your surgeries will skyrocket. Wouldn’t it be great if every patient who came in for a consultation actually scheduled a procedure? If you don’t have an effective consultation flow, one that helps patients understand that your elective surgery service (be it LASIK, a tummy tuck, BOTOX, etc.) will help them feel better about themselves, you will never make that sale. You have to have the tactics in place to work through all of their roadblocks – without coming off as pushy. You also have to prove to patients that your practice is the very best choice. You probably put a lot of effort and money to get patient leads; don’t let those potential dollars walk out your door. To find out more about what Fast Track Marketing does or to learn how to increase your conversions, contact Jonna at 303-731-2634 or email her at