Debating Whether To Do The Marketing Yourself or Outsource… Marketing your elective surgery practice should be easy, right? Just run a couple of advertisements in your local newspaper, online, on your local radio or on a well-seen billboard. It actually can be that easy…but that doesn’t mean it will be effective. And it doesn’t mean that you will have flocks of patients racing to your doors. Willy-nilly marketing simply doesn’t work for the long haul. It may give you a temporary spike in patient leads, but ultimately you will waste thousands of dollars if you don’t have a strategic marketing plan in place. If your practice has been spending a good deal of money on advertising and marketing, but your patient lead counts are stagnating or down, it’s time to take a step back and analyze your marketing methods. If you are marketing your practice in-house, and are less-than-thrilled with the results, contact us to let us help. With Do-It-Yourself Marketing, you may not be making the best use of your marketing budget. You may be making decisions based on: Recommendations from ad sales people Doing the same things your competition is doing Following advice from an article you read Ideas from internal staff While these decisions may occasionally produce great results, you can’t expect to sustain the growth of your practice without having a solid, yet flexible, marketing foundation holding up your practice. Do-It-Yourself marketing may be hurting your practice. To stay afloat (or better yet, to soar) in the highly competitive elective surgery market, you have to be forward-thinking in your marketing strategies. If you want to continually grow your business, you simply cannot allow marketing to take a back seat in your practice. Many practices realize this already and adopt the Do-It-Yourself marketing route. However, they often thrust marketing responsibilities on individuals who are either overworked, uninterested or who don’t fully understand the intricacies of and constantly changing opportunities in advertising today. Marketing has become more than just creating a poster or calling up an ad sales representative to place an ad. The last thing you want to do is waste your money on marketing that falls flat. Of course, not every campaign or strategy will produce superb results, but if you have the right processes in place you will be able to immediately make changes and breathe new life into your marketing efforts. To learn more about Fast Track Marketing or how we can help your practice, contact Brandi Musgrave at 303-731-2634 or