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3 Steps to Increase Conversions/Profit Into A Practice

An elective surgery practice’s counselor is the key component to taking advantage of advertising dollars spent. It does not matter how many leads are generated, if they are not being converted into paying surgeries. There are many tools your practice can employ to help the refractive coordinator convert leads into dollars.

Step 1:  Manage Your Leads

One of the biggest problems for counselors is managing the incoming leads efficiently and effectively. It is easy to make the initial follow-up, but more often than not, leads fall out of sight within two weeks. Studies show it takes an average of eight touches before a lead is encouraged to take action. Having a system to  schedule follow-up calls is essential.  This could be as easy as setting reminders in your calendar (Google, Outlook, whatever) on when to do certain calls.  Or, you could employ a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software to schedule everything and keep track of your leads.  Either way, there are 2 objectives on the first step.  1-Capture lead data and store it.  2-Follow up with email and calls for up to a year.

Step 2:  Educate Your Leads

Educational materials can greatly affect the patient conversion rate within the consultation. It is much easier to speak with an elective surgery candidate if they already have a base knowledge of the procedure and what differentiates the practice. Educational booklets  or e-Books do a great job of prepping a lead for the consultation, so they come in with questions prepared for the counselor. This will enable the counselor to find out the patient’s objections in a quick and efficient fashion.

Step 3:  Give a Great 1st Impression

First Impressions start with the initial phone call, your website and your reviews.  Evaluate your website to make sure it has what it takes to educate and convert.  Know what your patients are saying about your doctor, your practice.  Ensure your calls are giving a positive impression.

But, an area that is often over looked in a practice is where the actual consultation is conducted. Patients are coming in for an elective surgery, meaning they must be sold on your practice. A key component is how the patient perceives the office on the first visit. The consultation area should be a warm, inviting area in a quiet place. A nice touch is to offer refreshments when the patient arrives, giving them the feeling of “being pampered.” This will trigger subconscious thoughts and expectations of the whole surgery process. Once that perception is set, the prospect will be much more willing to openly discuss the barriers and objections to having surgery, giving the counselor the opportunity to position the practice as the only option for that procedure.

The counselor is a practice’s main source of revenue and it is important to give them the necessary tools to succeed. Given these tools, lead to completed surgery conversions should grow exponentially. If you would like to discuss these topics or find out more about what Fast Track Marketing can offer your practice, call Jonna at 303.731.2634 or email her at