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Marketing to the Ages

When you are designing your marketing campaigns, you must be mindful of the target audience you are hoping to attract. You may need vastly different messages and techniques to reach different age segments.


The 18-34 age group is used to having information at their fingertips. It’s possible they’ve never known life without the internet, so they know how to research what they want well before they ever contact your office.

  • They will use social media to get recommendations. A survey from SocialChorus showed that “almost 95% of millennials view friends as the most credible source of product information.”
  • They will demand that the information you provide on the internet is quick to load, easy to read, relevant and credible.

Middle-age Adults

The “Generation X” age group is a mixed bag of marketing opportunities. On the one hand, most have adopted new technology and use the internet regularly. But they may also have a strong hold in traditional media such as radio and print media.

  • Email communications are still highly effective in reaching this segment.
  • Using social media (Facebook) and other internet channels to promote the real life benefits and health benefits of your services may help prompt this segment into action.
  • And because they may be saving up for their children’s educations, keeping financing in the message may appeal to them.

Older Adults

The age group called Baby Boomers is typically driven by brand loyalty. They want to build a strong relationship with your practice…when they find you.

  • Don’t be fooled that they don’t use the internet: a report by Pew Internet Research Project has showed that approximately 80% of Boomers are internet users.
  • Having a strong mobile presence may not be quite as important for this group.
  • They may also be more inclined to listen to National Public Radio (NPR) and want to have an actual brochure in their hands.
  • They know they are older, but their minds are still young and they want to be viewed that way.
  • Focus your message on the improved quality of life your services can provide – procedures that can allow them to be more active with their friends and families.

Of course, there is no “hard and fast” rule for marketing to different segments. Every person is unique. But following these general guidelines may help improve your marketing efforts.

Regardless of the target audience, everyone is busy. Keep your messages short but complete and never try to pull the wool over their eyes. There is simply too much information on the internet that anyone can – and will – easily access.

Patient Experience Rules for All Ages

When you provide a great patient experience for every patient at every contact point, your efforts will be rewarded with referrals from every generation. The way those referrals are shared may differ, but the end result will be more patients to your doors.

Fast Track Marketing can help your practice strategize your 2016 marketing. Contact Jonna to start the discussion: 303-447-9192 or