How to Choose Online Scheduler Software In a blog earlier this month we talked about the importance of having online appointment scheduling capabilities on your elective surgery website. Besides patient convenience, these online systems provide a whole host of benefits for your patients and your practice…including the bottom line of increased leads and ultimately increased revenue. There are many different online scheduling systems on the market today. In order to purchase the right system for your practice, you need to conduct research on the capabilities these systems offer and weigh those against your own internal needs. Make sure to check the credibility of the provider and ensure that the system is reliable. Here are some steps to take when looking into online scheduling software: Determine exactly what you want to accomplish with the scheduler. Beyond simple appointment scheduling, do you want to be able to send out automated email or text message appointment reminders? Do you want reporting capabilities? Make sure the system you choose is mobile-friendly. Your patients may choose to make appointments on-the-go, so your system needs to be readable on any size of device: from large PC monitors to smart phone screens. 27% of consumers will leave a site if it is not mobile-optimized. (Source: ExactTarget, 2014 Mobile Behavior Report) Confirm that the system will meet Meaningful Use standards and comply with all HIPAA requirements . The system must be absolutely secure to protect your patients’ confidential information. Get price quotes up-front and make sure the quotes include any additional services you need. Make sure the system you choose comes with strong customer support: every minute your online scheduler is down can result in lost revenue. Demand that the system include staff training so you can take advantage of the most functionality in your system. This should not be a one-time event; as upgrades are made to the system, your staff may need additional training. Don’t make your online scheduling software decision based only on price. This is an investment into your practice that will ultimately affect your bottom line, so choose your system with care. If you need help in choosing an online appointment scheduling system, contact the elective surgery marketing experts at Fast Track Marketing. Contact Jonna at 303-447-9192 or