Case Study: Personalized Internet Radio Ads Pandora is free, personalized internet radio that allows you to stream the music of your choice from your computer, laptop, smart phone, tablet, car or other electronics. By entering your favorite music artist, genre, etc., Pandora will create a radio “station” that plays songs you are likely to enjoy. You also have the chance to rate the songs that are added to your station by giving them a thumbs-up or thumbs-down so you can build a station that only contains music you enjoy. Like regular radio, Pandora features advertisements. These are short, 15 or 30 second ads that reach the 76.5 million monthly unique visitors. Ads are targeted geographically and include both audio and visual components with the intent of increasing traffic to your website. Fast Track Marketing has been creating Pandora ads for several clients. A recent quarter-long test of Pandora advertising in the outlying market of a large city showed a 22% increase in overall lead volume over the same timeframe the previous year. These ads have also generated higher quality leads, resulting in higher consult-to-surgery conversion rates. Combine Facebook Retargeting for More Punch Pandora advertising also couples great with Facebook retargeting. Facebook retargeting allows you to push your ads to people on Facebook who have visited your website. When a person views your ad on Pandora and clicks through to your website, that information is captured on your site and your ads automatically appear on the person’s own Facebook news feed. The result is increased exposure to your practice and, ultimately, increased leads and conversions. Watch for our Facebook retargeting video blog in our next email. To learn more about Pandora advertising, contact us today.